Stardate 0412.24: Quiet day today.
Quiet day today.
Punky the pink poodle ettin died today, not surprising considering she only sat in the empty Docking Station hub, doing nothing. Pinky also died, but I am not sure why. No bacteria or toxins were found in her autopsy, nor any severe hunger. Her body was surrounded by ants, so my best guess is they bit her? Now Yullie is all alone, although an ettin egg has appeared under their Christmas tree.
I was going to turn the population up to let it hatch, but then I realized... There are two Narnian eggs waiting to hatch, plus my two amphibious draconian eggs, and one gargoyle egg. No telling which one will hatch first! D'oh! I may have to make egg storage plans....
I moved Gala and Goliath into Norngarden 2 today, along with the steam rock and nornhome scent emitter to give them a new nesting area. I was going to leave them in there to deal with the weeds and such, and leave the Norngarden for my upcoming amphi-dracs.
But they moved back. D'oh!
Personal Log Supplemental: Those Pokle doggie creatures from the Norngarden Xmas room are TOO cute! I put one in Narnia and one in Norngarden 2. They roll over for tummy scritches when you push them! I only hope they don't make fruit too scarce.
ScreenGrab seems to only work when DS is in windowed mode. ::sigh:: At least I can take lots of snapshots.
Punky the pink poodle ettin died today, not surprising considering she only sat in the empty Docking Station hub, doing nothing. Pinky also died, but I am not sure why. No bacteria or toxins were found in her autopsy, nor any severe hunger. Her body was surrounded by ants, so my best guess is they bit her? Now Yullie is all alone, although an ettin egg has appeared under their Christmas tree.
I was going to turn the population up to let it hatch, but then I realized... There are two Narnian eggs waiting to hatch, plus my two amphibious draconian eggs, and one gargoyle egg. No telling which one will hatch first! D'oh! I may have to make egg storage plans....
I moved Gala and Goliath into Norngarden 2 today, along with the steam rock and nornhome scent emitter to give them a new nesting area. I was going to leave them in there to deal with the weeds and such, and leave the Norngarden for my upcoming amphi-dracs.
But they moved back. D'oh!
Personal Log Supplemental: Those Pokle doggie creatures from the Norngarden Xmas room are TOO cute! I put one in Narnia and one in Norngarden 2. They roll over for tummy scritches when you push them! I only hope they don't make fruit too scarce.
ScreenGrab seems to only work when DS is in windowed mode. ::sigh:: At least I can take lots of snapshots.
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