Stardate 0501.27 - Population Shifts

the narnia/avantasia population was 7 to 5, but finally, it's balanced out to 6 and 6. berna has died; she had heavy metal contamination from the stingers. her twin, blithe, is ancient but still living. and on the avantasia side, corona has been born.

she appears to be a full hardman, but she is the offspring of bridget (hardman/amphibi-drac) and achilles (hardman). i doubt she is amphibious. she certainly has a temper!

brogan seems to have an obsession with pushing grendels. i hope he doesn't try it if one comes to visit! i've stored all the eggs, so i bumped up the population to include two grendels to hatch. mine seem to all love the beach. the current one is in the aquarium again. gah, now corona has picked up the grendel-pushing idea!

i tell you, when norns hit their teens, they just go crazy.

gah! now achilles is fraternizing with a grendel and learning to hit gadgets!


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